* This file is part of the Doctrine Behavioral Extensions package.
* (c) Gediminas Morkevicius <gediminas.morkevicius@gmail.com> http://www.gediminasm.org
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Gedmo\Translatable;
use Doctrine\Common\EventArgs;
use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\DocumentManager;
use Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs;
use Doctrine\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\Persistence\ObjectManager;
use Gedmo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Gedmo\Exception\RuntimeException;
use Gedmo\Mapping\MappedEventSubscriber;
use Gedmo\Tool\Wrapper\AbstractWrapper;
use Gedmo\Translatable\Mapping\Event\TranslatableAdapter;
* The translation listener handles the generation and
* loading of translations for entities which implements
* the Translatable interface.
* This behavior can impact the performance of your application
* since it does an additional query for each field to translate.
* Nevertheless the annotation metadata is properly cached and
* it is not a big overhead to lookup all entity annotations since
* the caching is activated for metadata
* @author Gediminas Morkevicius <gediminas.morkevicius@gmail.com>
* @phpstan-type TranslatableConfiguration = array{
* fields?: string[],
* fallback?: array<string, bool>,
* locale?: string,
* translationClass?: class-string,
* useObjectClass?: class-string,
* }
* @phpstan-method TranslatableConfiguration getConfiguration(ObjectManager $objectManager, $class)
* @method TranslatableAdapter getEventAdapter(EventArgs $args)
* @final since gedmo/doctrine-extensions 3.11
class TranslatableListener extends MappedEventSubscriber
* Query hint to override the fallback of translations
* integer 1 for true, 0 false
public const HINT_FALLBACK = 'gedmo.translatable.fallback';
* Query hint to override the fallback locale
public const HINT_TRANSLATABLE_LOCALE = 'gedmo.translatable.locale';
* Query hint to use inner join strategy for translations
public const HINT_INNER_JOIN = 'gedmo.translatable.inner_join.translations';
* Locale which is set on this listener.
* If Entity being translated has locale defined it
* will override this one
* @var string
protected $locale = 'en_US';
* Default locale, this changes behavior
* to not update the original record field if locale
* which is used for updating is not default. This
* will load the default translation in other locales
* if record is not translated yet
* @var string
private $defaultLocale = 'en_US';
* If this is set to false, when if entity does
* not have a translation for requested locale
* it will show a blank value
* @var bool
private $translationFallback = false;
* List of translations which do not have the foreign
* key generated yet - MySQL case. These translations
* will be updated with new keys on postPersist event
* @var array<int, array<int, object|Translatable>>
private $pendingTranslationInserts = [];
* Currently in case if there is TranslationQueryWalker
* in charge. We need to skip issuing additional queries
* on load
* @var bool
private $skipOnLoad = false;
* Tracks locale the objects currently translated in
* @var array<int, string>
private $translatedInLocale = [];
* Whether or not, to persist default locale
* translation or keep it in original record
* @var bool
private $persistDefaultLocaleTranslation = false;
* Tracks translation object for default locale
* @var array<int, array<string, object|Translatable>>
private $translationInDefaultLocale = [];
* Default translation value upon missing translation
* @var string|null
private $defaultTranslationValue;
* Specifies the list of events to listen
* @return string[]
public function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
* Set to skip or not onLoad event
* @param bool $bool
* @return static
public function setSkipOnLoad($bool)
$this->skipOnLoad = (bool) $bool;
return $this;
* Whether or not, to persist default locale
* translation or keep it in original record
* @param bool $bool
* @return static
public function setPersistDefaultLocaleTranslation($bool)
$this->persistDefaultLocaleTranslation = (bool) $bool;
return $this;
* Check if should persist default locale
* translation or keep it in original record
* @return bool
public function getPersistDefaultLocaleTranslation()
return (bool) $this->persistDefaultLocaleTranslation;
* Add additional $translation for pending $oid object
* which is being inserted
* @param int $oid
* @param object $translation
* @return void
public function addPendingTranslationInsert($oid, $translation)
$this->pendingTranslationInserts[$oid][] = $translation;
* Maps additional metadata
* @param LoadClassMetadataEventArgs $eventArgs
* @return void
public function loadClassMetadata(EventArgs $eventArgs)
$this->loadMetadataForObjectClass($eventArgs->getObjectManager(), $eventArgs->getClassMetadata());
* Get the translation class to be used
* for the object $class
* @param string $class
* @phpstan-param class-string $class
* @return string
* @phpstan-return class-string
public function getTranslationClass(TranslatableAdapter $ea, $class)
return self::$configurations[$this->name][$class]['translationClass'] ?? $ea->getDefaultTranslationClass()
* Enable or disable translation fallback
* to original record value
* @param bool $bool
* @return static
public function setTranslationFallback($bool)
$this->translationFallback = (bool) $bool;
return $this;
* Weather or not is using the translation
* fallback to original record
* @return bool
public function getTranslationFallback()
return $this->translationFallback;
* Set the locale to use for translation listener
* @param string $locale
* @return static
public function setTranslatableLocale($locale)
$this->locale = $locale;
return $this;
* Set the default translation value on missing translation
* @deprecated usage of a non nullable value for defaultTranslationValue is deprecated
* and will be removed on the next major release which will rely on the expected types
public function setDefaultTranslationValue(?string $defaultTranslationValue): void
$this->defaultTranslationValue = $defaultTranslationValue;
* Sets the default locale, this changes behavior
* to not update the original record field if locale
* which is used for updating is not default
* @param string $locale
* @return static
public function setDefaultLocale($locale)
$this->defaultLocale = $locale;
return $this;
* Gets the default locale
* @return string
public function getDefaultLocale()
return $this->defaultLocale;
* Get currently set global locale, used
* extensively during query execution
* @return string
public function getListenerLocale()
return $this->locale;
* Gets the locale to use for translation. Loads object
* defined locale first.
* @param object $object
* @param ClassMetadata $meta
* @param object $om
* @throws RuntimeException if language or locale property is not found in entity
* @return string
public function getTranslatableLocale($object, $meta, $om = null)
$locale = $this->locale;
$configurationLocale = self::$configurations[$this->name][$meta->getName()]['locale'] ?? null;
if (null !== $configurationLocale) {
$class = $meta->getReflectionClass();
if (!$class->hasProperty($configurationLocale)) {
throw new RuntimeException("There is no locale or language property ({$configurationLocale}) found on object: {$meta->getName()}");
$reflectionProperty = $class->getProperty($configurationLocale);
$value = $reflectionProperty->getValue($object);
if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString')) {
$value = $value->__toString();
if ($this->isValidLocale($value)) {
$locale = $value;
} elseif ($om instanceof DocumentManager) {
[$mapping, $parentObject] = $om->getUnitOfWork()->getParentAssociation($object);
if (null !== $parentObject) {
$parentMeta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($parentObject));
$locale = $this->getTranslatableLocale($parentObject, $parentMeta, $om);
return $locale;
* Handle translation changes in default locale
* This has to be done in the preFlush because, when an entity has been loaded
* in a different locale, no changes will be detected.
* @return void
public function preFlush(EventArgs $args)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
foreach ($this->translationInDefaultLocale as $oid => $fields) {
$trans = reset($fields);
assert(false !== $trans);
if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation(get_class($trans))) {
$entity = $trans->getObject();
} else {
$entity = $uow->tryGetById($trans->getForeignKey(), $trans->getObjectClass());
if (!$entity) {
try {
} catch (ORMInvalidArgumentException $e) {
foreach ($fields as $field => $trans) {
$this->removeTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field);
* Looks for translatable objects being inserted or updated
* for further processing
* @return void
public function onFlush(EventArgs $args)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
// check all scheduled inserts for Translatable objects
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectInsertions($uow) as $object) {
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
if (isset($config['fields'])) {
$this->handleTranslatableObjectUpdate($ea, $object, true);
// check all scheduled updates for Translatable entities
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectUpdates($uow) as $object) {
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
if (isset($config['fields'])) {
$this->handleTranslatableObjectUpdate($ea, $object, false);
// check scheduled deletions for Translatable entities
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectDeletions($uow) as $object) {
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
if (isset($config['fields'])) {
$wrapped = AbstractWrapper::wrap($object, $om);
$transClass = $this->getTranslationClass($ea, $meta->getName());
\assert($wrapped instanceof AbstractWrapper);
$ea->removeAssociatedTranslations($wrapped, $transClass, $config['useObjectClass']);
* Checks for inserted object to update their translation
* foreign keys
* @return void
public function postPersist(EventArgs $args)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$object = $ea->getObject();
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
// check if entity is tracked by translatable and without foreign key
if ($this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName()) && [] !== $this->pendingTranslationInserts) {
$oid = spl_object_id($object);
if (array_key_exists($oid, $this->pendingTranslationInserts)) {
// load the pending translations without key
$wrapped = AbstractWrapper::wrap($object, $om);
$objectId = $wrapped->getIdentifier();
$translationClass = $this->getTranslationClass($ea, get_class($object));
foreach ($this->pendingTranslationInserts[$oid] as $translation) {
if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation($translationClass)) {
} else {
* After object is loaded, listener updates the translations
* by currently used locale
* @return void
public function postLoad(EventArgs $args)
$ea = $this->getEventAdapter($args);
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$object = $ea->getObject();
$meta = $om->getClassMetadata(get_class($object));
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
$locale = $this->defaultLocale;
$oid = null;
if (isset($config['fields'])) {
$locale = $this->getTranslatableLocale($object, $meta, $om);
$oid = spl_object_id($object);
$this->translatedInLocale[$oid] = $locale;
if ($this->skipOnLoad) {
if (isset($config['fields']) && ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale || $this->persistDefaultLocaleTranslation)) {
// fetch translations
$translationClass = $this->getTranslationClass($ea, $config['useObjectClass']);
$result = $ea->loadTranslations(
// translate object's translatable properties
foreach ($config['fields'] as $field) {
$translated = $this->defaultTranslationValue;
foreach ($result as $entry) {
if ($entry['field'] == $field) {
$translated = $entry['content'] ?? null;
// update translation
if ($this->defaultTranslationValue !== $translated
|| (!$this->translationFallback && (!isset($config['fallback'][$field]) || !$config['fallback'][$field]))
|| ($this->translationFallback && isset($config['fallback'][$field]) && !$config['fallback'][$field])
) {
$ea->setTranslationValue($object, $field, $translated);
// ensure clean changeset
* Sets translation object which represents translation in default language.
* @param int $oid hash of basic entity
* @param string $field field of basic entity
* @param object|Translatable $trans Translation object
* @return void
public function setTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field, $trans)
if (!isset($this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid])) {
$this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid] = [];
$this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid][$field] = $trans;
* @return bool
public function isSkipOnLoad()
return $this->skipOnLoad;
* Check if object has any translation object which represents translation in default language.
* This is for internal use only.
* @param int $oid hash of the basic entity
* @return bool
public function hasTranslationsInDefaultLocale($oid)
return array_key_exists($oid, $this->translationInDefaultLocale);
protected function getNamespace()
return __NAMESPACE__;
* Validates the given locale
* @param string $locale locale to validate
* @throws InvalidArgumentException if locale is not valid
* @return void
protected function validateLocale($locale)
if (!$this->isValidLocale($locale)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('Locale or language cannot be empty and must be set through Listener or Entity');
* Check if the given locale is valid
private function isValidLocale(?string $locale): bool
return is_string($locale) && strlen($locale);
* Creates the translation for object being flushed
* @throws \UnexpectedValueException if locale is not valid, or
* primary key is composite, missing or invalid
private function handleTranslatableObjectUpdate(TranslatableAdapter $ea, object $object, bool $isInsert): void
$om = $ea->getObjectManager();
$wrapped = AbstractWrapper::wrap($object, $om);
$meta = $wrapped->getMetadata();
$config = $this->getConfiguration($om, $meta->getName());
// no need cache, metadata is loaded only once in MetadataFactoryClass
$translationClass = $this->getTranslationClass($ea, $config['useObjectClass']);
$translationMetadata = $om->getClassMetadata($translationClass);
// check for the availability of the primary key
$objectId = $wrapped->getIdentifier();
// load the currently used locale
$locale = $this->getTranslatableLocale($object, $meta, $om);
$uow = $om->getUnitOfWork();
$oid = spl_object_id($object);
$changeSet = $ea->getObjectChangeSet($uow, $object);
$translatableFields = $config['fields'];
foreach ($translatableFields as $field) {
$wasPersistedSeparetely = false;
$skip = isset($this->translatedInLocale[$oid]) && $locale === $this->translatedInLocale[$oid];
$skip = $skip && !isset($changeSet[$field]) && !$this->getTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field);
if ($skip) {
continue; // locale is same and nothing changed
$translation = null;
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectInsertions($uow) as $trans) {
if ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale
&& get_class($trans) === $translationClass
&& $trans->getLocale() === $this->defaultLocale
&& $trans->getField() === $field
&& $this->belongsToObject($ea, $trans, $object)) {
$this->setTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field, $trans);
// lookup persisted translations
foreach ($ea->getScheduledObjectInsertions($uow) as $trans) {
if (get_class($trans) !== $translationClass
|| $trans->getLocale() !== $locale
|| $trans->getField() !== $field) {
if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation($translationClass)) {
$wasPersistedSeparetely = $trans->getObject() === $object;
} else {
$wasPersistedSeparetely = $trans->getObjectClass() === $config['useObjectClass']
&& $trans->getForeignKey() === $objectId;
if ($wasPersistedSeparetely) {
$translation = $trans;
// check if translation already is created
if (!$isInsert && !$translation) {
\assert($wrapped instanceof AbstractWrapper);
$translation = $ea->findTranslation(
// create new translation if translation not already created and locale is different from default locale, otherwise, we have the date in the original record
$persistNewTranslation = !$translation
&& ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale || $this->persistDefaultLocaleTranslation)
if ($persistNewTranslation) {
$translation = $translationMetadata->newInstance();
if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation($translationClass)) {
} else {
if ($translation) {
// set the translated field, take value using reflection
$content = $ea->getTranslationValue($object, $field);
// check if need to update in database
$transWrapper = AbstractWrapper::wrap($translation, $om);
if (((null === $content && !$isInsert) || is_bool($content) || is_int($content) || is_string($content) || !empty($content)) && ($isInsert || !$transWrapper->getIdentifier() || isset($changeSet[$field]))) {
if ($isInsert && !$objectId && !$ea->usesPersonalTranslation($translationClass)) {
// if we do not have the primary key yet available
// keep this translation in memory to insert it later with foreign key
$this->pendingTranslationInserts[spl_object_id($object)][] = $translation;
} else {
// persist and compute change set for translation
if ($wasPersistedSeparetely) {
$ea->recomputeSingleObjectChangeset($uow, $translationMetadata, $translation);
} else {
$uow->computeChangeSet($translationMetadata, $translation);
if ($isInsert && null !== $this->getTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field)) {
// We can't rely on object field value which is created in non-default locale.
// If we provide translation for default locale as well, the latter is considered to be trusted
// and object content should be overridden.
$wrapped->setPropertyValue($field, $this->getTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field)->getContent());
$ea->recomputeSingleObjectChangeset($uow, $meta, $object);
$this->removeTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field);
$this->translatedInLocale[$oid] = $locale;
// check if we have default translation and need to reset the translation
if (!$isInsert && strlen($this->defaultLocale)) {
$modifiedChangeSet = $changeSet;
foreach ($changeSet as $field => $changes) {
if (in_array($field, $translatableFields, true)) {
if ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale) {
$ea->setOriginalObjectProperty($uow, $object, $field, $changes[0]);
$ea->recomputeSingleObjectChangeset($uow, $meta, $object);
// cleanup current changeset only if working in a another locale different than de default one, otherwise the changeset will always be reverted
if ($locale !== $this->defaultLocale) {
$ea->clearObjectChangeSet($uow, $object);
// recompute changeset only if there are changes other than reverted translations
if ($modifiedChangeSet || $this->hasTranslationsInDefaultLocale($oid)) {
foreach ($modifiedChangeSet as $field => $changes) {
$ea->setOriginalObjectProperty($uow, $object, $field, $changes[0]);
foreach ($translatableFields as $field) {
if (null !== $this->getTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field)) {
$wrapped->setPropertyValue($field, $this->getTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field)->getContent());
$this->removeTranslationInDefaultLocale($oid, $field);
$ea->recomputeSingleObjectChangeset($uow, $meta, $object);
* Removes translation object which represents translation in default language.
* This is for internal use only.
* @param int $oid hash of the basic entity
* @param string $field field of basic entity
private function removeTranslationInDefaultLocale(int $oid, string $field): void
if (isset($this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid])) {
if (isset($this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid][$field])) {
if (!$this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid]) {
// We removed the final remaining elements from the
// translationInDefaultLocale[$oid] array, so we might as well
// completely remove the entry at $oid.
* Gets translation object which represents translation in default language.
* This is for internal use only.
* @param int $oid hash of the basic entity
* @param string $field field of basic entity
* @return object|Translatable|null Returns translation object if it exists or NULL otherwise
private function getTranslationInDefaultLocale(int $oid, string $field)
return $this->translationInDefaultLocale[$oid][$field] ?? null;
* Checks if the translation entity belongs to the object in question
private function belongsToObject(TranslatableAdapter $ea, object $trans, object $object): bool
if ($ea->usesPersonalTranslation(get_class($trans))) {
return $trans->getObject() === $object;
return $trans->getForeignKey() === $object->getId()
&& ($trans->getObjectClass() === get_class($object));